about the plants:
As far as possible the
latest changes in taxonomy will be taken into account. In general, for European
orchids species names will be used as in Pierre Delforge, 2006. Note, that the original genus Orchis has been divided by Pridgeon
et al., (Lindleana 12(2): 89-109,1997)
and the Orchis morio clade
with 2n=36 chromosomes has been transferred to Anacamptis.
A absolutely necessary and well supported move. As you
may not be used to the new names, in the plantlist
the original genus Orchis is given in brackets.
2. About the origin of the plants.
A legal stock of mother plants,
controlled by the local authorities exists since many years in the nursery.
Several species from the genera Anacamptis, Orchis and Ophrys are cultivated
outside in the garden and are completely hardy in southern Bavaria. Those
species as Ophrys apifera, Ophrys insectifera, Ophrys fuciflora, Ophrys sphegodes, Anacamptis morio, Anacamptis coriophora, Anacamptis palustris and Anacamptis pyramidalis were
crossed with originally not hardy mediterranean
species. The resulting hardiness of the offspring is given within the hybrid
description. Seeds and pollinia were obtained from
Botanic Gardens within Europe. Pollen and seeds were also obtained from
Australia. On the fifth continent, there are some very valueable
collections of terrestrial orchids including European species. I am supporting
scientific projects in ecology and conservation of orchids and will be always prepared
to help in education. In case you send seeds for propagation, respect nature
conservation laws. Seeds can be harvested only from cultured stock. Thanks go
to all, who have contributed with seeds.
3. Cultivation.
All offered plants show a
seasonal pattern of growth and dormancy. In the appropriate time, ripe seeds
will be sown in soil inoculated with suitable mycorrhizal
fungi. In the second year the plantlets will be
transferred outside into garden beds. Once inoculated with the mycorrhizal fungus, usually the plants will carry its symbiont during its whole span of live. During periods of
dormancy the symbiont will rest as propagules or spores on the surface of the tuber or
outlasts within surviving roots. At the begin of the
growing season the symbiotic fungus reestablishes itself in the soil, starting
from the tuber and later infecting the new roots. In case the soil is not
suitable for the fungus, the plants may loose its symbiont. However, in appropriate substrates you will never
have to care about the fungus.
As winters can be strong in
southern Bavaria, plants will be given a light cover during the most severe
periods of frosts. However, still the best cover is a layer of snow. Below 20cm
of snow, the temperature will not drop below -5°C. In summer, the plants are
protected by 50% shade cloth. During periods of active growth 0.2g /l
fertilizer (Peters Excell, Kristalon
red, or others) is given once or twice, monthly.
Suitable composition
of substrates are given within the species descriptions. The best
results will be obtained with a wood fibre based
substrate. These substrates were first developed in
Switzerland by the Intertoresa AG in cooperation
with Prof. Penningsfeld, as a substitute for peat.
Raw materials (wood chippings) are shreded under
frictional pressure, heat and steam, and simultaneously impregnated with
nitrogen, minerals and other valuable substances. A range of differently
impregnated wood fibres were given to me by the Intertoresa AG and subsequently
tested for suitability in terrestrial orchid culture. The selected
product is now manufactured and sold as Toresa Orchideenkultursubstrat.
5. Note
From a scientific and
conservational point of view, propagation of species is only valuable if the
progeny of the seeds is known. This is due to the given enormous variability of
natural populations of many terrestrial orchid species and to numerous changes
and problems regarding its taxonomy.
Be aware, that hybrids
should not be planted into nature, as they may
interfere with natural populations of species. There may be also
competition with species for natural resources
and mycorrhizal fungi.
© 2000-2012 Heinrich Beyrle